Lomi Lomi Massage


What is Lomi Lomi Massage?

Hands are extensions of the heart. The application of this unique massage is through flowing strokes using forearms, elbows, as well as both hands combining body draining, soft and deep tissue massage, under body massage, and energy balancing to form dynamic and transformational bodywork. The arms sweep the body in long, flowing movements to the beat of music, creating a fluid and rhythmical massage. 

The hands are intuitively drawn to the areas of the body in need of healing. The unstructured nature of the massage strokes allows for deep body focused relaxation. More massage oil is applied than in other types of massage to assist with the flow of the strokes. The results of Lomi Lomi massage are direct and very powerful, requiring little time for integration. Recipients feel immediate changes in the needed areas, be they physical, emotional, spiritual or mental.

We offer this at either our Eltham or Thornbury location or in your own home. Please contact Liz at hello@beherenowwellness.com.au to book. 

30 mins = $69

60 mins = $99

90 mins = $129